IASR Vol.17 No.7 July 1996 (No.197)
Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Japan,1994-1995
Other contents (text only in Japanese)
- Warning against VTEC O157 food poisoning: prevention and control in Japan
- Diarrheal disease outbreaks due to VTEC O157 - Hiroshima, Gifu City, Aichi
- S. Enteritidis food poisoning caused by ingestion of cooked hen's eggs - Aomori
- A diarrheal disease outbreak due to S. Typhi, Shigella, and S. Paratyphi among students returning from Southeast Asia - Shizuoka
- Invasion and distribution of Latrodectus spp. in Japan
- A qualitative analysis of neurotoxin excreted from Latrodectus hasseltii - Osaka
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