IASR Vol.19 No.7 July 1998
Hand-foot-and-mouth disease
Other contents (text only in Japanese)
- An outbreak of Hand-foot-and-mouth disease and sudden deaths among children in Malaysia, 1997
- Molecular epidemiology of enterovirus 71 isolated in Malaysia and Japan
- Isolation of enterovirus 71, 1997 - Shiga
- An epidemic of hand-foot-and-mouth disease due to enterovirus 71, 1998 - Tottori
- Epidemics of hand-foot-and-mouth disease due to group A coxsackievirus 16, 1998 - Iwate, Shimane
- A questionnaire survey for cases of pneumonia due to adenovirus type 7 in Japan
- A local epidemic of pharyngo-conjunctival fever due to adenovirus types 3 and 7 - Hyogo
- An epidemic of measles, 1998 - Gunma
- Isolation of influenza B virus in an outbreak in a primary school in May 1998 - Saitama
- Detection of influenza virus genome in cerebrospinal fluid of acute encephalopathy cases - Ibaraki
- Detection of enteric pathogens from sporadic cases of diarrhea - Tokyo
- An outbreak of food-poisoning due to hydrogen sulfide-nonproducing Salmonella Enteritidis - Yamaguchi
- Sporadic cases of Yersinia pseudotuberculosis serogroup 5 infection on Shodo island - Kagawa
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