IASR Vol.20 No.5 May 1999
Campylobacter enteritis 1995-1998
Other contents (text only in Japanese)
- Trend of serotypes of Campylobacter jejuni isolated from enteritis patients in Japan and their resistance to drugs of the pyridonecarboxylic acid
- Two outbreaks of Campylobacter jejuni food poisoning occurring from cooking practice at high schools - Osaka
- Guillan-Barre syndrome developing after Campylobacter jejuni infection
- Increased Salmonella Typhi and Paratyphi A isolation from travelers to India and Southeast Asia in March-April 1999
- A diffused outbreak of Salmonella Oranienburg food poisoning due to semidried squid snacks - Kawasaki & Hiroshima Cities
- Isolation of Salmonella Chester from semidried squid snacks contaminated with S. Oranienburg - Hiroshima City
- An outbreak of EHEC O157:H7 infection due to a salad served at a home for the aged - Yamaguchi
- An outbreak of group A Streptococcus infection due to sandwiches - Kumamoto City
- An outbreak of Clostridium perfringens food poisoning due to curry and rice - Yokohama City
- Utility of CT-SMAC agar plates in isolation of non-O157 EHEC - Akita
- Isolation of adenovirus type 7 during 1996-1998 - Kanagawa, Kawasaki City
- Isolation of echovirus 30 in 1998 - Shiga
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