IASR Vol.21 No.7 July 2000
HIV/AIDS in Japan as of December 31, 1999
Estimation of HIV-infected cases and AIDS patients among Japanese until the end of 2003
A nationwide survey for the knowledge of HIV and STDs, sexual behavior and consciousness among Japanese in 1999
HIV infection rate among blood donors in Japan in 1999
HIV-1 subtypes detected during 1991-March 1999 in Japan
Incidence of drug-resistant mutant HIV-1 in Japan, 1996-1999
Isolation of coxsackievirus A16 from cases of hand, foot and mouth disease, May 2000 - Yamagata
An outbreak of group A rotavirus gastroenteritis at a home for the aged, March-April 2000 - Yamanashi
An outbreak of group A rotavirus infection at a home for the handicapped, April 2000 - Kobe City
An outbreak of diarrheal disease due to group A rotavirus at a primary school, March 2000 - Chiba
An outbreak of group A rotavirus infection among adults from eating meals prepared at a restaurant, April 2000 - Shimane
Isolation of influenza virus AH3N2, June 2000 - Sendai City
Isolation of influenza virus C from influenza cases in 1999/2000 season - Saitama
and Hiroshima
Detection of TDH-positive
Vibrio parahaemolyticus
from sea water and bottom mud collected from two spots once a month during June-December 1999 - Fukushima
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