IASR Vol.22 No.5 May 2001
HIV/AIDS in Japan as of December 31, 2000
- AIDS prevalence: current trend worldwide and Japan's task
- An HIV vaccine developing project in Thailand
- Current status of the nucleic acid amplification test for HBV, HCV and HIV in Japan Red Cross blood centers
- A national survey for accuracy control of HIV quantitative test kits
- Influenza B virus in 2000/01 season: isolation of B/Victoria/2/87-like strains
- A measles epidemic, 2000-2001 - Kochi
- Increased isolation of adenovirus type 7, November 2000- March 2001 - Niigata
- Genetic differentiation of a wild measles virus isolated from a case occurring 15 days after measles vaccination, June 2000 - Hiroshima
- T serotyping of group A Streptococcus isolates derived from clinical specimens, 2000 - Oita, Saga and Okinawa
- Geographical differences in group A Streptococcus T serotypes isolated from nasopharyngeal swabs of children, April 1998-March 2001 - Akita
- An outbreak of Salmonella Isangi food poisoning due to dishes sold at a market, August 2000 - Kumamoto City
- AIDS and HIV infections in Japan, January-March 2001
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