IASR Vol.23 No.1 January 2002
Tetanus in Japan as of 2001
Diagnosis and laboratory examination of tetanus
Immunization schedule for tetanus prevention in Japan
Prevention and treatment of post-injury tetanus
Two tetanus cases in their twenties in Japan, August 2001
Recent characteristic tetanus cases reported in Japan and foreign countries
Isolation of influenza viruses; AH3 in Osaka Prefecture, AH1 in Osaka City and B in Sendai City, December 2001
An outbreak of gastroenteritis due to Norwalk-like virus genogroup II at a kindergarten, November 2001- Fukuoka City
An outbreak of gastroenteritis due to Norwalk-like virus genogroup I caused by catered meals served at a company meeting, November 2001- Tokushima
Drug susceptibility of
Bacillus anthracis
Note on serodiagnosis of leptospirosis with a commercial kit for the reversed passive latex agglutination test
Three Q fever cases infected simultaneously during an inspection tour to farms in Australia and New Zealand, September 2001
A nosocomial outbreak of EHEC O157:H7 infection, July 2001- Ehime
An outbreak of EHEC O26 infection at a nursery school, August 2001- Saga
An outbreak of EHEC O26 infection at a nursery school, February 2001- Kyoto
An outbreak of diarrheal disease due to ETEC during a high school excursion to China, August 2001- Saga
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