IASR Vol.23 No.10 2002
- Epidemiological investigation of a psittacosis outbreak at a bird park, December 2001 - Shimane
- Molecular biological analysis of Chlamydia psittaci isolated or detected from a psittacosis outbreak at a bird park in December 2001
- Comparative studies of the methods for detection of Chlamydia psittaci
- A psittacosis outbreak among zoo workers infected during delivery of a Siberian moose, June 2001 - Kawasaki City
- Intensive control of psittacosis from birds, January 2002 - MHLW
- Two cases of Lyme disease acquiring infection in New York State, July-August 2002 - Yokohama City
- Selection of the 2002/03 season influenza HA vaccine strains in Japan
- An outbreak of EHEC O121 infection at a facility for mentally handicapped, July 2002 - Akita
- A large-scale outbreak of Salmonella Enteritidis food poisoning caused by catered meal, June 2002 - Fukushima
- An epidemic of echovirus 11 infection: respiratory disease cases in winter and meningitis cases in summer, November 2001 - July 2002 - Kagawa
- A gastroenteritis outbreak due to Norwalk-like virus genogroup II caused by the bread served for school lunch at two nursery schools and a junior high school, January 2002 - Fukui
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