A summary of amebiasis cases hospitalized in Tokyo Metropolitan Komagome General Hospital in 2002
Current status and problems of amebiasis at institutions in Japan
Control of amebiasis at facilities for mentally-handicapped - Kanagawa
Outbreaks of amebiasis at two facilities for mentally-handicapped - Osaka City
Identification of transmission routes by genotyping Entamoeba histolytica
Current status of drug treatment of amebiasis in Japan
Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)
Isolation of influenza virus type AH3 and echovirus 9 from nasal pituita and influenza virus type AH3 from cerebrospinal fluid of a meningitis case, December 2002 - Osaka City
An outbreak of EHEC O26 infection at seven primary schools caused by a common school lunch prepared by a catering center, February 2003 - Nagano City
An outbreak of mixed infection with four Shigella serovars during a group tour to China, November 2002 - Matsuyama City
A large-scale outbreak of Clostridium perfringens food poisoning caused by hashed pork stew in catered meals, November 2002 - Toyama