IASR Vol.25 No.11(No.297) 2004
2003/04 influenza season, Japan
Analysis of influenza virus isolates in 2003/04 season in Japan
Rapid estimation system of the excess mortality during 2003/04 influenza-epidemic season in Japan
Survey for influenza encephalopathy during 2002/03 season in Japan
Influenza control measures in 2004/05 season and pandemic influenza preparedness in Japan - MHLW
Estimated demand for influenza vaccine in 2004/05 season in Japan - MHLW
Isolation of influenza virus type AH3 from three overseas travelers, August-September 2004 - Aichi
Isolation of influenza virus type AH3 in early 2004/05 season, September-October 2004 - Osaka
Isolation of influenza virus types AH1 and B prevailing in the Japanese community in Bangkok, Thailand, September 2003
Avian influenza prevailing in Asian and other countries, as of October 2004
An outbreak of highly pathogenic avian influenza on a chicken farm, January 2004 - Yamaguchi
An outbreak of highly pathogenic avian influenza at chicken farms, February-March 2004 - Kyoto
Countermeasures to control highly pathogenic avian influenza among poultry populations in Japan - MAFF
An outbreak of norovirus food poisoning at a restaurant, September 2004 - Aomori
Notified cases of acute encephalitis under the NESID in Japan, November 2003 - August 2004
Notice on acute encephalitis occurring in Niigata and other prefecture, October 2004 - MHLW
An outbreak of EHEC O121 infection among primary school children transmitted from breeding calves, July 2004 - Chiba City
A large-scale outbreak of
Infantis food poisoning due to catered meals, August 2004 - Sakai City
AIDS and HIV infections in Japan, July-September 2004
Articles are published in English with
the Japanese Journal of Infectious Diseases
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