IASR Vol.27 No.1(No.311) 2006
Cholera 2002-2005, Japan
Four cholera cases including a death, December 2004-September 2005 -Mie
Two clusters of cholera cases among travelers returning from Indonesia in May and those from Philippines in September 2005
Molecular epidemiological analysis of
Vibrio cholerae
by using a new protocol of PFGE
Detection of CT-producing
Vibrio cholerae
O139 from a cholera case and a carrier returning from China, October 2004 -Yamagata
Detection of CT-producing
Vibrio cholerae
O141 from a diarrhea case having no history of overseas traveling, July 2004 -Oita
Recent cases in which CT-producing non-agglutinable
was detected in Japan
Isolation of influenza virus type AH3 from a primary school outbreak during off-season, September 2005 -Nagasaki
Local epidemic of influenza virus type AH1 from mid-November to the beginning of December -Aichi
The first isolation of influenza virus type B in 2005/06 season, December 2005 -Kawasaki City
Detection of aichivirus from food poisoning cases and salted oysters, October 2005 -Oita
An outbreak of norovirus genogroup II infection caused by lunch prepared at a primary school, November 2005 -Wakayama
A fatal Japanese case of dengue hemorrhagic fever/dengue shock syndrome with complications of sepsis due to
,September 2005
The first isolation of
Arcobacter butzleri
from a human sepsis case in Japan, October 2005 -Chiba
.Typhi &
.Paratyphi A phage types from human sources, Japan (Oct.16, 2005 - Dec.20, 2005)
Articles are published in English with
the Japanese Journal of Infectious Diseases
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