IASR Vol.28 No.1(No.323) 2007
Malaria, Japan, April 1999-2005
Current status of malaria prevention among Japanese travelers
Treatment of malaria with drugs imported by the Research Group on Chemotherapy of Tropical Diseases in Japan
Malaria treatment with artemisinin and its derivatives
Development of antimalarial endoperoxides in Japan
Development of a malaria serine repeat antigen vaccine in Japan
Three outbreaks of gastroenteritis due to norovirus genogroup II, September-October 2006 - Nagasaki City
Isolation of influenza B virus from the first outbreak in this winter, November 2006 - Shiga
An outbreak of EHEC O157:H7 infection presumably transmitted from cattle during milking experiences, October 2006 - Yokohama City
An outbreak of EHEC O26:H11 infection at a nursery school, August 2006 - Saga
Isolation of influenza A/H1N1 virus from pharyngeal swabs of an encephalopathy case and its family, July 2006 - Chiba
A knowledge concerning isolation and identification of
Helicobacter cinaedi
from blood of a sepsis case accompanied with phlegmon, August 2006 - Chiba
.Typhi &
.Paratyphi A phage types from human sources, Japan (Oct.16, 2006 - Dec.15, 2006)
Articles are published in English with
the Japanese Journal of Infectious Diseases
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