IASR Vol.28 No.3(No.325) 2007
Rabies as of 2006, Japan
An imported rabies case in Japan after a 36-year absence, November 2006 -Kyoto
Clinical course of an imported rabies cases in Japan and infection-control measures, November 2006 -Yokohama City
Clinical signs and symptoms and diagnosis of rabies in dogs
Epidemiology of rabies in Asian countries
Increase in rabies in China during 2001-2006
Rabies epidemic status and its control strategy in the Philippines
The meaning in ante- and post-mortem laboratory diagnosis of rabies in humans
Pathology and clinical features of rabies: the need for immunohistochemistry
Human rabies vaccine supply and immunization system in Japan and foreign countries
Pre and postexposure vaccination of rabies for overseas travelers
Domestic rabies control in Japan
Current quarantine system for importation of dogs and other animals in Japan
The role of public health veterinarians on rabies control
The response of NIID to rabies cases occurring after a 36-year absence
A consideration of infection control measures in Japan from two rabies cases occurring in 2006
An outbreak of gastroenteritis due to norovirus genogroup II at a hotel, December 2006 -Tokyo
The second measles-rubella vaccination rate among pre-school children as of October 2006 in Japan
The first domestic case of CT-positive
Vibrio cholerae
O139 infection in Japan, September 2006 -Hiroshima City
An outbreak of cryptosporidiosis caused presumably by consumption of raw meat, October 2006-Sakai City
AIDS and HIV infections in Japan, October-December 2006
.Typhi &
.Paratyphi A phage types from human sources, Japan (Dec.16, 2006 - Feb.15, 2007)
Articles are published in English with
the Japanese Journal of Infectious Diseases
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