A botulism case caused by eating home-prepared "izushi" (a fermented fish product), April 2007—Iwate
An infant botulism case requiring a long time to recover, January 2007—Iwate
Summary of laboratory examinations for botulism diagnosis
Botulinum Reference Center activities by cooperation between NIID and PHIs in Japan
Biosecurity measure against Clostridium botulinum and botulinum toxin in compliance with amendment of the Infectious Diseases Control Law enacted in June 2007
Botulinum antitoxin supply from Japan for occurrence of foodborne botulism in Thailand and Korea in 2006
Isolation of influenza AH1 and AH3 viruses in the 2007/08 season, October-December 2007—Toyama
A local outbreak of gastroenteritis due to sapovirus genogroup IV, September-December 2007—Kumamoto
An outbreak of vomiting and diarrhea due to sapovirus GIV at a facility for the handicapped, November 2007—Wakayama City
A legionellosis case infected presumably during cleaning of bathtubs for foot bath, September 2007—Kagoshima
An infant tetanus case occurring after a 12-year absence in Japan, 2007—Hyogo