IASR Vol. 29, No. 9 (No. 343) September 2008
Sexually transmitted diseases in Japan as of 2007
Problems on superinfection with HIV and syphilis
Necessity for syphilis test twice during pregnancy to prevent congenital syphilis
Fear for increasing congenital syphilis and public health issues
Decreased reports of asymptomatic syphilis among higher age groups in Japan, 2004-2005
Topic of
Neisseria gonorrhoeae
infection–drug resistance
Mutation on cryptic plasmid DNA of
Chlamydia trachomatis
and drug resistance
Current status of human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccine
Pathogen surveillance of sexually transmitted diseases, November 2007-July 2008–Tokyo
Isolation of enteroviruses since last autumn, as of July 2008–Shimane
Summer outbreak of influenza AH3 virus infection at a university, June 2008–Okayama
Outbreak of influenza B at a primary school, July 2008–Chiba
Rapid increase in isolation of parechovirus 3, June-July 2008–Hiroshima City
Outbreak of EHEC O26:H11 infection during high-school excursion to Hokkaido, June 2008–Fujisawa City
Outbreak of lysine decarboxylase-negative EHEC O111 infection at a nursery school, July 2006–Aichi
Identification of
Streptococcus suis
isolated from spinal fluid and blood of a serious meningitis case, June 2008–Yokohama City
AIDS and HIV infections in Japan, April-June 2008
Typhi &
Paratyphi A phage types from human sources, Japan (Jun. 21, 2008 - Aug. 20, 2008)
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