IASR Vol. 30, No. 12 (No. 358) December 2009
Shigellosis, Japan, 2006-2009
Outbreak of shigellosis among travelers to Bali Island, Indonesia, February-March, 2009
Shigella sonnei
producing novel chimeric β-lactamase CTX-M-64 —Dept. Bacterial Pathogenesis and Infection Control, NIID
-infected monkeys notified by veterinarians under the Infectious Diseases Control Law, 2005-2009—NESID
Genotyping (PFGE, MLVA) of
Shigella sonnei
—Dept. Bacteriology, NIID
Outbreak of cryptosporidiosis suspectedly caused by contact with calves during practical training of students, June 2009—Aomori
Isolation and characterization of influenza AH1pdm virus, June-October 2009—Hiroshima
AIDS and HIV infections in Japan, July-September 2009
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