Influenza virus (seasonal + AH1pdm)in Japan,
    from week 36 of 2010 to week 19 of 2011

Isolation/detection of influenza virus in Japan, from week 36 (September 6-12) of 2010
to week 19 (May 9-15) of 2011 (as of September 6, 2011)
  In Japan, prefectural and municipal public health institutes (PHIs) report isolation/detection of infectious agents from specimens collected by sentinel clinics and hospitals under the National Epidemiological Surveillance of Infectious Diseases, other medical institutions and health centers (Reference figure).

Figure 1. Weekly reports of influenza virus isolation/detection, week 36 of 2010-week 19 of 2011
Figure 2. Isolation/detection of influenza virus by prefecture, week 36 of 2010-week 19 of 2011
  From the beginning of the 2010/11 season, the number of reports of detection/isolation of AH3 exceeded that of AH1pdm. After week 49 of 2010, the number of detection/isolation of AH1pdm increased and decreased after the peak at week 3 of 2011. From week 7 of 2011, the number of reports of detection/isolation of AH3 exceeded that of AH1pdm again. From week 12 of 2011, the number of reports of detection/isolation of type B exceeded that of type A (Fig. 1).  

  From week 36 of 2010 (the first week of the 2010/11 season) to week 19 of 2011, isolation/detection of AH1pdm from 6,244 cases in all 47 prefectures, AH3 from 3,769 cases in all prefectures, B/Victoria lineage from 1,327 cases in 44 prefectures, B/Yamagata lineage from 33 cases in 13 prefectures and B/lineage not determined from 351 case in 32 prefectures were reported (Fig. 2). 

  The proportion of AH1pdm (6,244 cases) to all influenza virus (11,724 cases) is 53% (AH3 32% and B 15%).
  Of 11,724 cases, 60 were imported cases (33 of AH1pdm, 22 of AH3 and 5 of B).

[Reference figure] Weekly cases of influenza and isolation/detection of influenza viruses from week 36 of 2008 to week 19 of 2010

Isolation/detection of influenza virus in Japan, from week 19 (May 4-10) of 2009 to week 19 (May 10-16) of 2010 (as of May 13, 2010)

Infectious Agents Surveillance Report, Infectious Disease Surveillance Center,
National Institute of Infectious Diseases

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