Isolation & Detection of Viruses <Graphs 1>
Reported by prefectural and municipal public health institutes
articles are based on the data reported before yesterday.
Influenza virus
By prefecture 2005/06 (2006/6/20)
2004/05 2003/04 2002/03
By week 2005/06
A(H1), A(H3) and B 2004/05 & 2005/06 2001/02-2005/06
By prefecture and week 2005/06 A(H1) A(H3) B
2004/05 A(H1) A(H3) B
2003/04 A(H1) A(H3) B
2002/03 A(H1) A(H3) B
2001/02 A(H1) A(H3) B
2000/01 A(H1) A(H3) B
1999/2000 A(H1) A(H3) B

SRSV (norovirus,sapovirus) & Rotavirus
By prefecture 2005/06 (2006/6/20)
2004/05 2003/04 2002/03
By week 2005/06
2004/05 & 2005/06
Detail of SRSV2005/06
Past 4 seasons 2001/02〜
Detail of Rotavirus 2005/06
Past 4 seasons 2001/02〜

Foodborne gastroenteritis outbreak
By week 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 20012000
Graphs 2

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