IASR Vol.18 No.4 April 1997
Adenovirus type 7
Other contents (text only in Japanese)
- An infant case with virus-associated hemophagocytic syndrome (VAHS) from which adenovirus type 7 was isolated - Kawasaki City
- Acute respiratory infection with adenovirus type 7 - Hokkaido
- Serosurvey after an outbreak of adenovirus type 7 infection at a high school dormitory - Yamanashi
- Isolation of adenovirus type 7 in 1996 - Aichi
- VTEC O157:H7 infection from eating raw deer meat - Yamagata
- The serotyping of Campylobacter isolates in 1996, Japan - Campylobacter Reference Center
- AIDS and HIV infections in Japan, January-February 1997
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