IASR Vol.21 No.12 December 2000
Influenza, 1999/2000 season, Japan
- Analysis of influenza viruses isolated in 1999/2000 season in Japan
- Selection of virus strains for the 2000/01 influenza HA vaccine in Japan
- The excess mortality during the 1999/2000 influenza-epidemic period
- Influenza antibody prevalence in the autumn of 2000, Japan
- The first isolation of influenza virus type A(H3N2) in 2000/01 season, September 2000 - Hiroshima
- Isolation of influenza virus type A(H3) in nonepidemic season, August 2000 - Aichi
- An outbreak of EHEC O157:H7 infection in a summer camp, August 2000 - Osaka
- An outbreak of Verotoxin-producing Escherichia coli O157:H7 infection caused by lightly salted turnips in a nursing home for aged, June 2000 - Saitama
- An outbreak of EHEC O26:H11 infection in a nursery school, September 2000 - Fukuoka City
- An epidemic of hand, foot and mouth disease with a fatal case due to enterovirus 71, April-October 2000 - Fukuoka City
- Isolation of coxsackievirus A16, enterovirus 71, coxsackievirus A10 and echovirus 25 from hand, foot and mouth disease cases, May-October - Yamagata
- AIDS and HIV infections in Japan, September-October 2000
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